Hi everyone!

Very pleased to announce that Studio Sidhe is taking part in the 4.44.444 event to celebrate Free*Style’s fourth birthday!

What’s with all the fours you ask? Well! everything at the event is on sale for 4L, 44L or 444L!!! and there are just heaps and heaps of amazing creations there!

What did I make? Necklaces to match the soleless Sandals from Jewelry Fair! Which you can now get at Studio Sidhe Main store or at SLink.

These necklaces feature the hemp and antique bead designs to make a simple, lovely, bohemian piece of jewellery that we’re sure you’ll love 😀 I’ve put the necklaces in double shot vendors so you get two necklaces plus the pose I made for the vendor ad as a little bonus, all for 44L!

This is obviously only going to be for the duration of the event, so get in quick! … ah okay, wait for the sim to empty a bit so you can TP in THEN jump on it! 😀



P.S. Don’t forget the Witches workplace health and safety cautionary tale Halloween decoration… it will only be a group gift until Halloween!

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